In Autodesk 3DS MAX, I import the client’s high poly model into a scene, in this case Poe’s X-Wing! I’m only using the high poly model as a guide while I create base meshes that conform to the parts of the ship we needed.ģD programs all offer some form of 3D model optimizing tools. This new texture would also match up with the sections of the ship on which I would reorganize the UVs. I started manipulating those texture files in Photoshop and combining them into one texture. Dozens of 4K textures made up each ship part, which relied on the UDIM UV placement to display correctly. The client provided various 4K texture files associated with the X-Wing. So, before I could texture bake, I needed to prep the source models. We’ve always had better results with texture bakes on models that don’t use UDIMs. The solution was a combination of building low poly base meshes, or very simple geometry that captures the 3D form of the ships, and using texture baking techniques, which I will expand on momentarily, to capture as much detail from the client’s source models as possible. So, how do we use these awesome models in our game? Using these models directly in Unity, however, would have been crippling to performance, and the texture placement would have been all out of whack. This is understandable considering they were used in film production and the highest quality texture rendering was to be expected. However, its support for UDIM UV placement is not available yet. The agreed engine to be used for our game was Unity 2018.3.5. Furthermore, each ship model contained over several million polygons. The models sent to us by Lucas Films consisted of UDIM UVs, and generally they were associated with several 4K textures.
In this blog, I go over some of the tricks and processes we used to convert production-ready, high-quality 3D ships from the television series for use in our mobile game, Star Wars: Resistance Racer. Perhaps down the road with new phones and 5G networks we might, but for current gen phones we need to stick to more traditional game development methods.

Simply put, if we tried to use them, performance would drop like a ton of bricks on mobile devices.

FeatherAlpha3.It’s always nice to work with high quality assets provided by clients, but for game development on mobile devices, we just don’t have the luxury to use 4K textures and high poly models. Materials are created using digital painting. The 4 feather materials is actually the same, but its make easier to change the groups of feathers materials. Model use 5 materials 1 for the wing body and 4 for wing feathers. Use finalRender version for better lighting. This product includes 3ds Max files for default scanline and finalRender (separate downloads). This model contains Standard materials only This model contain most quads and some tris This model contains about 240.000 polygons with TurboSmooth ON (set to 1 iterations) Very Small Feather witch cover wings body contains about 12.000 polygons This model contains about 60.000 polygons with TurboSmooth OFF This model itself contains 182 separate objects (276 counting riggin, control, lights and etc), each feather is a separete object (with exception of the body small feathers) FBX, OBJ and other formats only the static model. IK and animations only supported by 3ds Max files. Its also very easy to animate and using only 3dsmax standard tools. This model also allow easy modification on the wings aspect by editing feathers morph targets. Model of a par of Bird / Angel Wings with a good riging system, animation, textures and materials. Pair of Bird Wings 3DS Max low-poly 3d model ready for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games and other real-time apps.